Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Book Review- A Wife After God's Own Heart.


Being a wife after God's own heart sounds difficult-even challenging- doesn't it? But it doesn't have to be. Bestselling author Elizabeth George reveals what the Bible really says about how to have a good-no, an exceptional!-marriage. With a step-by-step guidance, you'll discover practical insights and advice on..

*being a better wife
*improving or rekindling sexual intimacy
*communicating more effectively
*becoming a better team player
*having more fun in your marriage

A Wife After God's Own Heart reveals how you can have what every married woman desires- a wonderful marriage filled with mutual love, friendship, romance, and happiness. And, a an added bonus, each chapter ends with "little things" you can do right now- today!- to enhance your relationship with your husband.

Get A Husband After God's Own Heart by Jim George, and you and your husband can grow closer together.


Elizabeth George is a bestselling author who has over 4 million books in print. She is a popular speaker at Christian women's events. Her passion is to teach the Bible in a way that changes women's lives. For information about Elizabeth's speaking ministry, to sign up for her mailings, or to purchase her books visit her website: www.ElizabethGeorge.com


OMGoodness!!!!! This book really spoke to my heart about becoming "a wife after God's own heart"!
Plenty of times the Bible tells us how, as wives we should be. A lot of the times we remember and strive to be that wife for our husband. This book however is filled with those verses and detailed pointers on how we can follow them. Many things God spoke to me while reading this, and here is the most important one. 
  • If you aren't right with your husband there is no way that you are right with God.
Nowhere in this book does it say this, but if we are to honor, love, obey, respect and etc our husbands and we fail to do so, what does that say about out walk with God. Are we really obeying Him? I honestly thought everything was ok with how I am in my marriage. God showed me that was a lie from the devil trying to deceive me into thinking that. First I preach at my husband and NEVER are we supposed to do that. Second, I let him know his ideas aren't the best (not in a loving way). This is uncalled for! Next, I  as his wife am to follow his leadership, not be the leader or try to, which I was guilty of. 

Now I could go on with the convictions our loving God gave me, but I won't. I don't want too give the whole book away. This is a must read, even if God hasn't brought you a husband yet and even if your husband is not a Christian (she talks about this as well).

Elizabeth George also wrote the book A Woman After God's Own Heart, which I am going to have to read as well!


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