When I gave my life to Jesus I was always in prayer. I prayed for salvation for my family, all the lost and for my father for deliverance from alcohol, you name it. I remember 2 months after I gave my life to Jesus I talked to my younger sisters. Prior to me talking to them I prayed that God would speak through me to them. That they would understand what I was saying (they were younger about 10 and 11 years old) I prayed that God would soften their hearts and hear His words and have a desire to live for Him as well. I felt discouraged after speaking with them. I said I should have mentioned this or this. I continued to pray that they would come to know the Truth. I would talk to my father as well. He knew his Bible and quoted scripture all the time. But Christ wasn't in his life and He was not his cornerstone. He was numbing himself with alcohol like he did when I was younger. I prayed and prayed for him as well.
2 years later (last year) my dad surrendered his life to Christ and was delivered from the addiction that Satan so many times told my dad he needed. I was in awe and ever so grateful to God for the miracle he was doing in my father.
I hadn't talked to my little sisters in a few years. God reunited us just a few weeks ago! Well, talking to the younger one of the two she told me that she is going to church.....we all know that it takes more than going to church to have salvation. I told her about salvation. Also that after coming to Christ we are no longer the same. He changes us. She told me she isn't the same anymore and she did get saved in May. I was in tears!!!!! I thought of when I talked to the both of them and didn't think it did any good....I remembered all my prayers. I planted a seed and God provided increase!!! He answered my prayers...in HIS time, not mine! Even though I forgot those prayers for them, He remembered and answered them! My other sister is starting to go to Church and I'll be praying for complete surrendering. Three years later might seem like a long time to us for prayers being answered, but to Him it was just a blink of an eye. He could have waited 20 years if He wanted to. Regardless of how long it was my prayers are being answered. He has shown me to be more patient and things and prayers aren't always going to be answered in our time. Things had to happen to lead to the point that they finally turn to Him.
The lost are all the same. My family, your family even complete strangers. They are all the same to Him. That's why regardless of who they are we always need to be praying for them and continue to plant seeds with whoever we come across. I have a love and a heart for the lost since they are all headed in the same direction and haven't come to salvation yet. How many times have you planted seeds over the years? Do you know where all those people are right now? You never know when your in heaven they might come to you and thank you for the time you took to pray for them and tell them about God's greatest gift He gave them!